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EPA has produced a vast collection of science-related documents to support pesticide registration decisions. Below you will find a subset of documents that, generally, have been requested by the public through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process. Each of these documents has been reviewed to ensure that any proprietary information is not included.

If you wish to obtain a document that is not currently posted, you may do so by filing a FOIA request.

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  • 1 - 15 of 246
-Effects Determination for Vinclozolin and the California Red-legged Frog
 Additional ES Files Additional ES Files (California Red-legged Frog and other California Listed Species)
06/07/2001Probabilistic Acute Dietary Exposure Estimates for Vinclozolin. PC Code: 113201, DP Barcode: D275240. Rereg. Case No. 2740. (PDF, 20 pp, 704K)Mohsen SahafeyanChemistry & Exposure Branch-
04/18/2001Vinclozolin: Agency Comments on BASF Conifer Seedling Production Reentry Risk Assessment (DP Barcode D273338, Case 816411) (PDF, 12 pp, 756K)Jeffrey DawsonReregistration Branch I-
08/17/2000Vinclozolin: Revised Occupational Postapplication Exposure and Risk Calculations [DP Barcode D268237, Chemical Code 113201, Case 816411] (PDF, 18 pp, 753K)Jeffrey DawsonReregistration Branch I-
07/06/2000Vinclozolin: Drinking Water Levels of Concern Attributable to Vinclozolin Alone and Three Dicarboximide fungicides Combined. PC Code 113201, DP Barcode D267147. Tox review 014229. (PDF, 3 pp, 96K)William HazelReregistration Branch I-
06/29/2000Response to SRRD Questions Concerning Golfer Risk Assessment Contained in February 8, 2000 [DP Barcode 260678] Occupational and Residential Risk Assessment for Vinclozolin [PC Code 113201, Case #816411, DP Barcode D267081]. (PDF, 3 pp, 121K)Jeffrey DawsonReregistration Branch I-
06/27/2000Response to comments from the BASF Corporation submitted in MRID 451114-01 to the Agency's February 8, 2000 occupational and residential risk assessment for vinclozolin [Case #816411, PC Code 113201, DP Barcode D265676]. (PDF, 21 pp, 1MB)Jeffrey DawsonReregistration Branch I45111401
04/07/1998Reproductive & Developmental Toxicity Peer Review of Vinclozolin, December 3, 1997. (PDF, 17 pp, 840K)Kit FarwellReregistration Branch-
05/23/1997PP# 9F03762. Section 3 Regisitration and Tolerance Petition for use of Vinclozolin on Snap Beans (PDF, 4 pp, 251K)G. Jeffrey HerndonChemistry Branch-
05/14/1997PP# 9F03762. Section 3 Registration and Tolerance Petition for Use of Vinclozalin on Snap Beans. MRID#s: 435059-03 and 442627-01. (PDF, 58 pp, 4MB)
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G. Jeffrey HerndonResidue Chemistry Assessment Branch43505903... [More]
04/03/1997Carcinogenicity Peer review of Vinclozolin (3rd) (PDF, 19 pp, 1MB)Edwin BuddToxicology Branch-
01/23/1997VINCLOZOLIN - Tox. Data Submitted Under MRID Nos. 41471005 and 92194019; TRID No. 470148-002. Pages 9-10 removed, registration data. Tox review 012140. (PDF, 10 pp, 279K)
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Irving MauerToxicology Branch I41471005... [More]
09/18/1996Carcinogenicity Peer Review of Vinclozolin (2nd) (PDF, 62 pp, 4MB)David AndersonToxicology Branch I-
09/16/1996EPA ID#113201: Vinclozolin, Contrator DERs on Two Rat/ Chronic Studies(MRID# 43254701 & 43254702), Two Oncogeincity Studies in the rat and Mouse(MRID# 43254703 & 43254704) and a Supplementary 2-Generation Reproduction Study (MRID# 432547-05). (PDF, 9 pp, 838K)
 Additional Files Attachments
David AndersonToxicology Branch I43254701... [More]
08/09/1996Review of BASF Acute Dietary Risk Assessment (PDF, 2 pp, 136K)Kathryn BoyleRisk Characterization & Analysis Branch-
  • 1 - 15 of 246

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